Mississippi Mud Dance
Figure 1: Bachelor’s Button
Two steps on the spot and then straight across, passing right shoulders, turn to the right and come back on 1 of the next eight, right shoulders again noisily, turn right and move in close enough to clap.
Clap right/partner/left/partner/right left right left with partner. Then repeat leaving out the very last clap. Swing, a quarter turn each step hop, dropping back on 7 to partners place. Repeat on other side and swing back.
Figure 2: Stars and Stripes
Middle four right and left hand stars, joining on one, fists up on two. Arms down on 7, join left on 8 and outside fist up again on 1 of next 8; down on 7 and drop back to place. Outside 4 dance diagonally away from set on first step hop, turn right on second and dance all the way round and back to place.
Figure 3; Ordinary Reel
Top couple face down and everyone else up. Top couple start reel by passing right shoulders with 2nd, left with 3rd etc. A rule to remember, when you get to the end you turn and come back in right shoulder.
Last swing round for 7 to end facing up and down in one line.
Figure 4: Zig Zag
Right and left etc. When you get to the end one zig to turn and back in to right. No 2 leads off when back to their place. OY
Other dances:
Birds A Building Cross Hand Polka Broom Dance
Two steps on the spot and then straight across, passing right shoulders, turn to the right and come back on 1 of the next eight, right shoulders again noisily, turn right and move in close enough to clap.
Clap right/partner/left/partner/right left right left with partner. Then repeat leaving out the very last clap. Swing, a quarter turn each step hop, dropping back on 7 to partners place. Repeat on other side and swing back.
Figure 2: Stars and Stripes
Middle four right and left hand stars, joining on one, fists up on two. Arms down on 7, join left on 8 and outside fist up again on 1 of next 8; down on 7 and drop back to place. Outside 4 dance diagonally away from set on first step hop, turn right on second and dance all the way round and back to place.
Figure 3; Ordinary Reel
Top couple face down and everyone else up. Top couple start reel by passing right shoulders with 2nd, left with 3rd etc. A rule to remember, when you get to the end you turn and come back in right shoulder.
Last swing round for 7 to end facing up and down in one line.
Figure 4: Zig Zag
Right and left etc. When you get to the end one zig to turn and back in to right. No 2 leads off when back to their place. OY
Other dances:
Birds A Building Cross Hand Polka Broom Dance